For the list of Squires Manors, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Q – What is Squires?
A – Squires is a program for boys not yet old enough to join DeMolay.
Q – What are the ages to join Squires?
A – 9-12
Q – Is Squires considered DeMolay junior?
A – To a certain extent, yes. Squires have their own form of professional meetings. This is to create a good foundation so that when they are old enough to join DeMolay, the transition is seamless.
Q – Are the requirements the same as DeMolay?
A – Yes
Q – How is Squires structured?
A – Squires is structure similar to DeMolay, but the meeting ceremony is completely their own. Most of the time the Squires Manor meet before a DeMolay Chapter meets. Also, a Squire will be supervised by a trained Advisor at all times.
Q – What does Squires teach?
A – Squires teaches justice, truth, and wisdom, while having fun.

Louis G. Lower Manor
Sponsored by Nelson J. Briggs Chapter
2nd & 4th Wednesday – 6:30 PM